Geneva College Spring Break Mission Trips

An intro to the Quest program | March 6, 2009

The mission of the Quest Program at Geneva College is two-fold. We send students out to serve those in need as well as to deepen their understanding of the world and how we, as Christians, connect what we believe with how we live in the world.

Throughout the Scriptures, Christ calls us to love our neighbors and care for those in need. There are many ways that Geneva College students participating in the Quest Program are enabled to serve. In the past, we have had students rebuild homes, serve in soup kitchens and homeless shelters, work on a community farm, assist teachers in a low-income school, facilitate youth programs, and visit those who were ill or institutionalized.

Secondly, it is our hope that students will return to campus with a new understanding of how we are called to live lives of service. While a week of labor is good, our hope is that these trips will open our eyes to the brokenness of our world and transform our lives in the process. This is a time when students should be asking hard questions and seeking answers that make sense and bring meaning to their experience.

True service must come from a sense of compassion and love for others, and love abounds more and more from knowledge and depth of insight. Therefore, the more we understand about the places and people we visit, the better servants we become, not just for the week of spring break, but for our entire lives.

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